Consumerism and Rising Culture: It’s Implication for Reflexive Education



17th MAY,2016

Discussion on ‘Consumerism and the Rising Culture: It’s Implication for Reflexive Education’ 

A range of changes over the last two decades in the domain of culture have drastically altered the way we see our society and lead our lives. Historically, in the years after 1990s global capitalism and its consum

WP_20160517_002erist culture redefined all aspects of our life world, and most significantly our education and knowledge systems.
From School, to college to the university we see the celebration of the ideals and aspirations of global capitalism. Our mechanical and very utilitarian orientation to learning and education have transformed knowledge from a catalyst of transformation and inner growth to merely a tool for gaining better access to productsts or lifestyles. It no more serves the purpose and mission of liberation, its serves the purpose of perpetual bondage to a consumerist orientation to life.
Education in our times is becoming more about job specific training and a chore to gain expertise in fields that serve the agenda of consumerism. As our educational ideals change, we witness education and knowledge taking a radical turn. Schools are becoming Pre-IIT, Pre-Medical coaching centers and higher institutions of learning too are being transformed into factories that produce professionals, the creative engagement with education is lost in this mindless mechanical demand of contemporary society.

In this kind of Milieu, we experience and witness this kind of dangerous trend and its implication on critical potential of education and knowledge. We realize something wrong is happening to our knowledge, society and culture. We are becoming mindless conspicuous consumers. Despite our multiples degrees and qualifications- we have failed to resist the temptations of consumerism and allowed our ideas, lifestyles, preferences and dreams to be taken over by this overarching force.

Speaker : Dr. soumyabrata choudhury  (SAA, JNU)
Guest Speaker : Dr. Jyoti Raina ( Gargi College, DU)
Mr. Vagish Jha ( Educationist)
Prof. Avijit Pathak ( SSS, JNU)



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